If you ever tried to develop your own algo-trading bot, you quickly realized that building “trading logic” is the last step that comes after you first deal with:
- syncing the data ❌
- implementing the APIs ❌
- creating the database ❌
- implementing backtest logic ❌
- creating visual charts ❌
- Binance exchange communication ❌
- code design & architecture ❌
- etc.
All of these boring and tedious (but unavoidable) tasks need to be done BEFORE you can have fun with your algorithms and trading ideas.
Personally, it took me over a month (full time) to design and develop my own starter code using the best programming language for finance.
I called it “the Badger”.
The name Badger was chosen because they are…
- 🦡 tough
- 🦡 resilient
- 🦡 intelligent
- 🦡 relentless
…exactly what you need to survive in dynamic financial markets.
And if you download it, you can go straight to bot logic development.
There is nothing special about this starter code.
No secret “trading algo” is inside.
And if you’re experienced developer, you could develop it all by yourself.
- everything inside is necessary before you even get started with the fun algo dev part
- it takes a long time to develop all the required parts
- and it’s super booooring 😞🥱
All the alternatives that you can find on the internet have 2 things in common:
- they require you to upload your code to their website
- and are “free” 🤔
There is no reason for this to be free unless someone is going to use your code behind your back.😲
⚠️⚠️ Never, ever, EVER share or upload your code with anyone ⚠️⚠️
This is your only advantage.
And this is why I was FORCED to develop the Badger bot starter code.
So when I run my unique logic and algorithms on my computer or on my server, I know they are completely safe.
And I suggest you secure yourself too…
Either by getting this starter code or taking a month or two to develop it yourself.
Because when millions (potentially billions) are on the line… you don’t want to take any chances and upload your code to some site because it’s “convenient”.
(I certainly don’t)
Alongside the starter code…
…you will also get a…
This will show you what every piece of starter code is doing.
It will not be a black box for you.
Instead, you will learn how to:
- use it ✅
- change it ✅
- extend it ✅
You will completely own it and control it. And you will not depend on anyone to add new features etc.
⚠️ Including me ⚠️
So you’re getting set up for success from day one.
Witness the power of the Badger
The first thing to remember is that there is almost nothing to remember since everything is so intuitive and just “makes sense”.
In the setup() function above you can see a couple of simple settings that allow you to do almost anything you’d ever want when developing your bot.
Let’s start with the most important (and amazing) one…
this.TRADE_LIVE = false;
As you can imagine, switching from false to true will deploy your bot instantly (making real trades with real capital).
It’s that simple.
FYI the exchange used in the background is Binance since it’s most stable with most liquidity.
Also crypto is chosen over traditional markets because it doesn’t have (legal) day-trading limitations. (for example $25k on your account, etc.)
Plus, the exchange is open 24/7.
All of which is perfect for algo-trading.
this.capital = 100_000;
You can set the capital for your backtests and see how your bot performs.
When the bot goes LIVE then the real amount will be pulled from the exchange and this one will be ignored.
this.transactionFee = 0.001; // 0.1% -> approx on Binance
The Badger starter code provides you with realistic simulation (backtesting) and fees are a crucial part of that.
If your bot is profitable even after the exchange fees, you’re onto something.
this.backtestPeriod = [ "2024-01-01T00:00:00", "2024-04-30T00:00:00" ];
Simply just specify which timeframe you want to test your bot on and that’s it.
All the necessary data will be (automatically) downloaded and stored in the background for current (and future) use.
When the bot goes LIVE this line is ignored and you just get the realtime data.
this.tickers = [ "BTCUSDT", "ETHUSDT" ];
You can choose whatever data your bot needs.
Sometimes it’s just the one ticker you trade, sometimes you want to use other cryptos as a confirmation signal.
Whatever it is… you got it with one line of code.
this.candleInterval = Interval._1M;
You can choose whatever candle interval you want.
Personally, I use 1-minute because in the world of high-frequency microsecond trading… I think 1 minute is a looong time.
Long enough to capture sudden market movements and release of new information.
this.pastCandlesCount = 50;
Aside from the interval you’re testing your data on, you may need some additional historic data.
For example if your test starts on January 1st, but your bot is using 50-candle moving average, then you’ll need 50 candles prior to January 1st.
And this line ensures your bot has all the historic data it needs.
this.chart = Chart(450, 200);
If you want to visualize what your bot is doing you can also display the chart.
You can set its dimensions however you want.
And it will show you all your entry and exit trades.
Opening and closing orders is super simple.
When opening a position, you can also set target and stop prices that (automatically) close the position.
---------------------------- | PERFORMANCE | ---------------------------- - Initial capital: 100000.00 - Final capital::: 105146.83 - Total trades:::: 6324 - ROI:::::: + 5.15 % - Min. ROI: -15.29 % - Max. ROI: +39.66 % - Drawdown: -29.13 % - Pushup::: +64.87 % ----------------------------
After testing thousands of trades and going through millions of candles in just a couple of seconds, you get a nice report.
You can see how your bot performed, how volatile it was, etc.
As you can see, using the Badger is super simple.
Everything is intuitive.
And all you have to do is figure out a profitable strategy. 📈
Everything else, all the heavy lifting from technical side is done for you. 🧑💻
I’m not a “guru”, so no worries, my prices are only in the double digits.
unless the inflation blows this out of proportion 😅
So I’m charging you about 57 cents per hour I invested.
You can also develop this independently if you don’t mind working for such a low minimum wage.
Or you can just skip the line and dive straight into algo development.
Good luck!