(this is part 9 of the “AI for Finance Course“)
This lesson is important because you will almost never be in a situation where you will use the same data for training and prediction.
Especially in finance.
You can only learn on historical data and make predictions on the new/upcoming data in the future.
Simply put: you cannot train your model on price action from the next Friday.
However, when backtesting, you might end up training your model on last week’s data, and then test the model performance on last week’s data.
This is a mistake!
If you do this, your model might give you false confidence and report better performance than it actually is on new data.
And realistically… only new data counts. So let’s split the two…
The Code
To split the data I introduced just a few small changes. First I imported 4 weeks of data:
this.backtestPeriod = [ "2024-04-01T00:00:00", "2024-04-29T00:00:00" ];
Then I used the first two weeks as a training data…
long cutoffTimestamp = getTimestamp("2024-04-15T00:00:00"); // . . . Candle[] trainingCandles = this._allCandles[c.BTCUSDT] .filter!(c => c.timestamp < cutoffTimestamp) .array;
…and the last two weeks for predictions:
// predictions from 2024-04-15 to 2024-04-28 (inclusive) if (isSkippingPredictions) { if (this.candles[c.BTCUSDT][$-1].timestamp >= cutoffTimestamp) { isSkippingPredictions = false; } return true; }
But naturally, you can use any size data for training and prediction. Also, in real life, you might want to retrain your model (based on last two weeks of data) every day.
So that your model is trained on the most fresh data available. And this should theoretically capture all the latest developments, price action, and market behavior.
Here is the full code:
module bbot.bot012; import std.stdio : pp = writeln; import std.algorithm : map, sum, filter; import std.algorithm.comparison : min; import std.array : array; import std.algorithm.searching : minElement; import std.range : repeat, take; import std.math.trigonometry : tanh; import std.conv : to; import std.random : Random, choice, uniform01, uniform; import std.range : iota, repeat, generate, take; import c = blib.constants; import bbot.badgerbot : AbstractBadger; import bmodel.chart : Chart; import bmodel.candle : Candle; import bmodel.order : Order; import bmodel.enums : Interval, OrderType, Direction, Action, Color; import blib.utils : getTimestamp; class BadgerBot : AbstractBadger { override void setup() { this.TRADE_LIVE = false; // ATTENTION !!! // ignored when running LIVE bot (or pulling real values) this.capital = 100_000; this.transactionFee = 0.001; // 0.1% -> approx like this on Binance this.backtestPeriod = ["2024-04-01T00:00:00", "2024-04-29T00:00:00"]; // semi-open interval: [> // backtestPeriod ignored on LIVE - calculated from pastCandlesCount, candleInterval (and current timestamp) // applied always this.candleInterval = Interval._1M; this.pastCandlesCount = 4; // example: set to 50 for 50-candle moving average (limit 1000 candles total for LIVE - for simplicity) this.tickers = [c.BTCUSDT]; // ETHUSDT //this.chart = Chart(450, 200); // comment out when you want to visualize like on LIVE but backtest will (intentionally) run slower // this.positions; // will be autofilled // this.candles; // will be autofilled super.setup(); // DON'T REMOVE } // TARGET/STOP PRICE PREDICTIONS bool hasOpenPosition() { return this.positions.length != 0 && this.positions[$-1].action == Action.OPEN; } bool isAIrained = false; bool isSkippingPredictions = true; auto rand = Random(1); double[] backupWeights1 = []; double[] backupWeights2 = []; double[] backupWeights3 = []; // 1st neuron, 1st layer double[] weights1Layer1 = repeat(0.5, 10).array; // 9+1 // 2nd neuron, 1st layer double[] weights2Layer1 = repeat(0.5, 10).array; // 9+1 // 1st neuron, 2nd layer double[] weights1Layer2 = repeat(0.5, 3).array; // 2+1 double sigmoid(double input) { return (tanh(input) + 1) / 2.0; } double[] getInputs(Candle c1, Candle c2, Candle c3) { double[] inputs1 = [c1.high, c1.low, c1.close]; inputs1[] -= c1.open; inputs1[] /= c1.open; double[] inputs2 = [c2.high, c2.low, c2.close]; inputs1[] -= c2.open; inputs1[] /= c2.open; double[] inputs3 = [c3.high, c3.low, c3.close]; inputs1[] -= c3.open; inputs1[] /= c3.open; return inputs1 ~ inputs2 ~ inputs3; } double getCorrectOutput(int idx, double targetPrice, double stopPrice) { // return 1 if target hit // return 0 if stop loss hit // return -1 if nothing was reached (end of data) int returnValue = -1; foreach(c; _allCandles[c.BTCUSDT][(idx+1)..$]) { if(c.low <= stopPrice) { returnValue = 0; break; } if(c.high >= targetPrice) { returnValue = 1; break; } } return returnValue; } Color getPredictedColor(double prediction) { return (prediction > 0.5) ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED; } double getPrediction(double[] inputs, double[] weights) { double[] weightedInputs = [1.0] ~ inputs; weightedInputs[] *= weights[]; double weightedSum = weightedInputs.array.sum; double prediction = sigmoid(weightedSum); return prediction; } void backupWeights() { backupWeights1 = weights1Layer1.dup; backupWeights2 = weights2Layer1.dup; backupWeights3 = weights1Layer2.dup; } void restoreWeights() { weights1Layer1 = backupWeights1.dup; weights2Layer1 = backupWeights2.dup; weights1Layer2 = backupWeights3.dup; } void updateRandomWeights() { // [-3,+3] // square root of all weights (23) is ~ 4.8 // so I'm gonna update sample of 4 each time backupWeights(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int idx = uniform(0, 23, rand); if (idx <= 9) { weights1Layer1[idx] = uniform01(rand)*6-3; } if (idx >= 10 && idx <= 19) { weights2Layer1[idx-10] = uniform01(rand)*6-3; } if (idx >= 20 && idx <= 22) { weights1Layer2[idx-20] = uniform01(rand)*6-3; } } } void trainNetwork(Candle[] trainingCandles) { double maxError = trainingCandles.length; for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) { // 1000 times through the data double allDataError = 0; string printing = ""; updateRandomWeights(); for (int i = 2; i < trainingCandles.length - 1; i++) { double[] inputs = getInputs( trainingCandles[i], trainingCandles[i-1], trainingCandles[i-2]); double prediction1Layer1 = getPrediction(inputs, weights1Layer1); double prediction2Layer1 = getPrediction(inputs, weights2Layer1); double prediction1Layer2 = getPrediction([prediction1Layer1, prediction2Layer1], weights1Layer2); double output = getCorrectOutput(i, trainingCandles[i].close * 1.003, // +0.3% target price trainingCandles[i].close * 0.995);// -0.5% stop price double error = prediction1Layer2 - output; if (output == -1) error = 0; // end or close-to-end of data => skipping allDataError += error * error; //printing ~= to!string(inputs) ~ " : " ~ to!string(prediction1Layer1) ~ " --> " ~to!string(output) ~ "\n"; } if (allDataError < maxError) { maxError = allDataError; pp(); pp("ERROR: ", maxError, " --> n : ", n); pp(weights1Layer1); pp(weights2Layer1); pp(weights1Layer2); //pp(printing); } else { restoreWeights(); } } pp(); pp("final weights:"); pp(weights1Layer1); pp(weights2Layer1); pp(weights1Layer2); pp(); pp("TRAINING COMPLETE"); pp(); } override bool trade() { if(!super.trade()) return false; // ALL CODE HERE - BEGIN // long cutoffTimestamp = getTimestamp("2024-04-15T00:00:00"); if (!isAIrained) { // training on 2 weeks // from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-14 (inclusive) // see ==> this.backtestPeriod // 2 weeks is plenty when trading minute data Candle[] trainingCandles = this._allCandles[c.BTCUSDT] .filter!(c => c.timestamp < cutoffTimestamp) .array; trainNetwork(trainingCandles); isAIrained = true; } // predictions from 2024-04-15 to 2024-04-28 (inclusive) if (isSkippingPredictions) { if (this.candles[c.BTCUSDT][$-1].timestamp >= cutoffTimestamp) { isSkippingPredictions = false; } return true; } Candle[] btcCandles = this.candles[c.BTCUSDT]; double currentPrice = btcCandles[$-1].close; Candle lastCandle = btcCandles[$-2]; Candle secondCandle = btcCandles[$-3]; Candle thirdCandle = btcCandles[$-4]; double[] inputs = getInputs(lastCandle, secondCandle, thirdCandle); double prediction1Layer1 = getPrediction(inputs, weights1Layer1); double prediction2Layer1 = getPrediction(inputs, weights2Layer1); double prediction1Layer2 = getPrediction([prediction1Layer1, prediction2Layer1], weights1Layer2); Color predictedNextCandleColor = getPredictedColor(prediction1Layer2); if ( predictedNextCandleColor == Color.GREEN && !hasOpenPosition() ) { Order marketBuy = Order( c.BTCUSDT, OrderType.MARKET, Direction.BUY, currentPrice * 1.003, // target price = +0.3% currentPrice * 0.995, // stop price = -0.5% ); this.order(marketBuy); } // ALL CODE HERE - END // return true; } }
Test Results
Test results didn’t change much from our previous lesson (and this is good)
---------------------------- | PERFORMANCE | ---------------------------- - Initial capital: 100000.00 - Final capital::: 20534.82 - Total trades:::: 762 - ROI:::::: -79.47 % - Min. ROI: -79.47 % - Max. ROI: 0.10 % - Drawdown: -79.49 % - Pushup::: 1.61 % ----------------------------
Also, no significant change in “no transaction fee” scenario (maybe only slightly worse but that’s expected)
---------------------------- | PERFORMANCE | ---------------------------- - Initial capital: 100000.00 - Final capital::: 94416.09 - Total trades:::: 762 - ROI:::::: -5.58 % - Min. ROI: -10.58 % - Max. ROI: 2.01 % - Drawdown: -12.34 % - Pushup::: 12.70 % ----------------------------
The official term is “overfitting”. This means when your model learned the training data too specifically and is completely lost when faced with new data.
Almost like learning to read just your own handwriting and being totally illiterate when seeing a text written by anyone else.
So when our model has similar results for training and testing sets, it means it learned the data properly and we can adequately apply it to new (never-seen-before) data.
The same model can have vastly different performance based on how it’s used… so this is what we’re going to do next…
AI Model Optimization And Next Steps